
Health and social justice

19 de April, 2023

Ethics and regulation in anthropological research

Those who believe that research in the social sciences are anodyne are mistaken. Their impacts on public policies and ideologies often have enormous reach, either directly or indirectly. Therefore, the deepening of the debate on research ethics in social sciences is increasingly necessary. In anthropology, this debate has been carried out in Brazil for some years, especially with initiatives promoted by the Brazilian Anthropology Association (ABA). However, given the changing nature of social, political, cultural, and economic issues, it is necessary to constantly return to the terms of the debate in order to improve it, disseminate it, and contribute to the practical incorporation of its results by researchers and institutions. As the product of an academic event held at the University of Brasília, Brazil, this book constitutes an excellent contribution and a necessary reading for all those who are aware of the need for ethics in research.

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