
Health and social justice

20 de April, 2023

International perspective on embryonic stem cell research (Cenário internacional da pesquisa em células-tronco embrionárias), 2009.

Objective: The aim of this study is to compare governmental regulations on embryonic stem cell research among countries. Methods: The study was performed between March and May 2008, using a direct electronic search through official databases of legislative documents from 25 selected countries, with confirmation of researchers and authorities via email when necessary. Results: Results showed a trend to allow the practice of embryonic stem cell research, though with strict ethical restrictions. Among the analyzed countries, only Italy and Germany explicitly condemned the extraction of stem cells and only Italy prohibits their subsequent use. Recent judicial decisions in Brazil are in accordance with the international regulatory context of embryo research. Conclusions: The trend which was observed indicates freedom of research to promote knowledge as a public good, emphasized by the expectation of therapeutic potentiality of embryonic stem cell research to treat and cure diseases without any possibility of medical care.

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