
Health and social justice

20 de April, 2023

Is there a right to say no in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic? ((Existe o direito de dizer não no contexto da pandemia Covid-19?), 2020.

In order to discuss this issue, it is important to remember the directly related legislation. With Decree 395 of July 9 2009, the Brazilian Congress approved the International Health Regulations, which had been adopted by the World Health Organization since the 58th World Health Assembly in June, 2005. It was signed into law by the President on January 30, 2020, with Decree No. 10.212. Subsequently, the Congress passed Law No. 13.979 (February 6, 2020), which prescribes measures to deal with the public health emergency of global relevance resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic.

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